Monday, September 21, 2015

In The Heart of a Seed...

In the heart of a seed, 
Buried deep, so deep,
A dear little plant
Lay fast asleep.

"Wake," said the sunshine,
"And creep to the light."
"Wake," said the voices
Of the raindrops bright.

The little plant heard;
And it rose to see
What the wonderful
Outside world might be.

-- Kate Brown

A seed is a small small thing
When my girls and I find ourselves in a burst of gardening glory, seeds end up strewn everywhere, falling from the cracks between fingers, out of the gathered bits in a pinch-too-big, from the crease of the tilted packet...

and in time, some blow away from the dry cracked hard-packed ground, some catch a spot within reach of the irrigation, and some end up in the soil we'd prepared and may just grow. And the magic happens. 

Without them falling to the ground, and finding some little spot- nothing will ever I learn that the big hurdle is to get out the seeds and get them in the ground. 

I can do that.

Hanging a print of fine art on the wall in the bathroom is a small thing.

It's not a labor intensive art appreciation lesson, that I don't feel prepared for so I'll procrastinate on doing, it's a SEED. A seed of beauty, perspective, emotion, opinion-formation, inspiration, story, history... 


I can arrange that.

Repeating 4 lines of Shakespeare a few times a day(like meal times) is a small thing.

I may not even get it completely, nor grasp the full meaning in each brilliantly chosen word, but I can repeat it, maybe print, and perhaps hang it inside my kitchen cupboard. Seeds of understanding language, metaphor, the power of memorization, the rhythms of poetry are 4 lines.

I can manage that.

Singing (or making a joyful noise) to our Maker is a small enough thing. It doesn't take a lot of time or effort- its a visit to YOUTUBE, or selecting from a playlist, or looking in the hymnal~ but it plants a seed of truth, a seed of joy, a seed that forms priority, a seed that sets the heart right.

I can do that.

So can you!

Just a small seed of SOMETHING good, true & beautiful...plant one now.
Don't wait for the right time or the best plan...get to planting!

He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.

Free Fine Art Pages in September

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