Friday, July 22, 2016


CC Terms

Read this, or browse below:-)
CYCLE– The material taught in Foundations.  There are 3 consecutive Cycles and each one is 24 weeks long.
TRIVIUM-Latin for “three roads”. Grammar, Dialectic and Rhetoric are the three verbal arts that often correspond to stages of learning  (as articulated by Dorothy Sayers in The Lost Tools of Learning) in the classical model.  Read about  them below. Learning is fullest when all three roads are interesting and utilized.
GRAMMAR– The first stage in acquiring knowledge, and one of the “three roads” in the Trivium. It is the accumulation of knowledge through memorizing the basic facts of any subject area.  [Our Littlest Learners are like“sponges”- they can soak up reams of information! They typically love repetition, memorization and parroting back what they know. Sound familiar?]
DIALECTIC-The second stage in acquiring knowledge, a in which the student “connects the dots” and organizes and compares thoughts ideas, and the facts memorized in the Grammar stage. Logic. One of the “three roads” in the Trivium. [Children in the ages of 11-14 or so may seem to like arguing- so they learn logic and how to debate with respect and clarity.]
RHETORIC– The third stage in acquiring knowledge, and another of the “three roads” in the Trivium, in which students write and speak persuasively about anything they have studied, can think critically about that material, and communicate and teach it effectively. [This is often the time when “Self expression” appears to be of high importance!]
FOUNDATIONS: The morning program for children aged 4 – 12 years.  24 weeks of memory work for each of the 3 cycles, weekly presentations, fine arts, and science experiments and projects.
ESSENTIALS: The afternoon program for students in 4th-6th grade, in which an intensive and fun English grammar program is followed, along with the magical IEW writing program, and half an hour of fun math games and competition you can’t usually get at home with younger or older siblings.
EEL Guide: Essentials of the English Language Guide, written by Leigh Bortins for English Grammar mastery
IEW: Institute for Excellence in Writing-the writing program used in Essentials
TWSS: Teaching Writing:Style and Structure, used in Essentials.
CHALLENGE A & B: Full-day program for 7-9thth grade students, respectively.  Covers 6 skill areas: Grammar, Exposition & Composition, Debate, Research, Rhetoric and Logic.
LTW: The Lost Tools of Writing- Writing program used in CHALLENGE
CHALLENGE I, II, III & IV: Full-day program for students in 9th-12th grade, respectively.
FAMILY PRESENTATION: a 7 minute presentation given in the Morning Gathering featuring all members of the family! We love to meet our friends’ dads and siblings.  Families will present on Family Traditions/Activities.  Children will participate but all family members are included.  You may use songs, visuals, poems, demonstrations, etc.  They can be educational, inspiring and/or entertaining.
*Please arrive a bit early if you have props or any set-up.:-)
MEMORY MASTER: A Memory Master is either a student, parent or even tutor who has successfully memorized all content of the year (CYCLE).  Students will have their knowledge of all topics tested in entirety by both parents, and then by their tutor.  Should they accomplish this with great ease, they will go before their Director and be quizzed on select items from the year in each subject area.
7 MEMORY WORK SUBJECTS: Timeline, Science, Math History, English Grammar, Latin & Geography
TUTOR: Trained Parent who will equip and encourage you as they model the introduction of memory work, facilitate presentations, and direct the class through fine arts and science experiments.
Foundations/ Essentials DIRECTOR: the person who wrangles stuff for the tutors and endeavors to encourage and equip you and your children in Classical Home Education.
Challenge DIRECTOR: The person who facilitates a 6 hour discussion with your Jr High through High school age students across 6 disciplines, and encourages parents as they continue their role as Lead Learner and Teacher of their student. 
SR: Support Representative- helps Directors do their job, connects CC communities in our area to one another, plans Parent Practicums and other events.
AR: Area Representative- supports and connects SM’s:-)
RM: Regional Manager- Supports AR’s and relays information from CC through the lines of communication, and more!

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