Thursday, October 22, 2015

Motivational speech 101

Ok, so I am by no means a motivational speaker of any kind, but today I had an epiphany.  Epiphany...well, maybe just a realization, but an eye opening one at that.  I think many of you homeschooling moms feel the same way I feel-DRAINED.  Completely drained.  Our many duties and hat changes during the day seemingly never cease. Beyond that, we have our checklists- whether in tangible form or just in our heads-so many things to do during each day and, if you are like me- most of which get pushed to the next day due to the craziness of life.


Today, as I was in the thick of creating key word outlines with twin 9 year olds, and attempting to keep my 6 year old on task with his handwriting, my 4 year old comes to me with a tea cup perilously balanced on a book.  "Mommy, want some tea?"
I normally would have feigned a sip and sent her on her way- but why? Just so I could attempt to check off my list of things to do?  Who are we kidding?  Judging by my past record, those weren't going to all get checked off anyway.
I know that I think, as a homeschooler, all extra things have to be school related.  They have to have some intrinsic lesson to be learned, or a demonstration of some concept. Sometimes even thinking about thinking about how to add these to our daily lives gives me a headache...and I quit.  Yes, those are nice (and guess what, its even nicer when  a homeschooling friend who happens not to feel so fried that particular day, invites you and your crew to join in on their planned out extracurricular lesson), but I am talking about simply taking your child up on and invitation to play.  No plans.  No supplies.  Nothing extra.
Just You.
I have no idea what the lasting influence these few minutes might make on the kids- what wonder might it inspire?...but I am willing to try it.  Instead of feeling overwhelmed by being the teacher, I want to revel being the mom.

If you for some reason haven't read 1000 REASONS TO PROCRASTINATE...please do. :)

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